What I Thought Of The First Day At Film Camp...
This camp is pretty sick and hopefully has a ton of potential. My team was successful in the first two days by completing to first draft of our script, getting hands-on experience with lights, audio and camera equipment. I hope to lock down an authoritative position on set tomorrow as most kids have clearly stated that they are more comfortable with writing and aren't with camera gear; I'm the opposite. Although I was mostly sitting in the corner today, observing the script-writing conversation, I hope to get more involved and lead my peers on set in the coming days. It is still unclear who in my group wants to edit the video. It was stated by our leaders that we will be forced to use a prgram that I am not all fimiliar with. There will be a sharp learning curve the first day of editing but I hope we can produce a professional looking film at the end of the week that we are proud of!